Climate Zone Air Conditioning Blog & Articles
How to Avoid Mistakes when Planning your Commercial Kitchen Ventilation
Commercial kitchens can be hot and humid places to work in. When cooking is underway, not only are there people rushing around but food on the go on multiple hobs. Ventilation is key if you are planning a new commercial kitchen or refurbishing an existing location....
A Quick History of Air Con
When you think about air conditioning systems, it is easy to think of them as a modern invention. And the systems that we see in many businesses and even homes are definitely state of the art. But the idea of air con and cooling homes isn’t a new one. There is a...
Why Air Con & Temperature Control is Important in Care Homes
There are thousands of care homes across the UK, all providing important support for elderly residents who are no longer able to live at home. Ensuring that each part of your care home is properly maintained and focused on providing comfort to residents is essential....
A Quick Guide to Air Conditioning
Air conditioning is the best way to cool any room and while many UK homes and businesses are built without it, an increasing number are turning to use it over fans or air coolers. With air conditioning units, there are two main categories – mobile or portable...
Tips for choosing a refrigeration system for your business
If yours is a business that needs refrigeration, then getting the right system is very important. Not only that but these can be big, expensive pieces of equipment and the last thing you want is to get the wrong thing. So, here are some top tips on choosing a...
Options to Overhaul your Kitchen Air Con
Air conditioning systems are a must-have part of any commercial kitchen, both to make them a pleasant place to work and to comply with regulations. They are a big part of health and safety and to make sure that safe working temperatures can be created for employees. ...
An Overview of Air Conditioning Repairs in London
Air conditioning is something that more businesses than ever are investing in, especially in light of changing climate conditions. While air-con systems are very hardy and hardworking, they do sometimes need repairing. But what are the most common problems that...
Air Conditioning Options for the Home
If you’ve ever gone to a supermarket or sat in your car just to enjoy the air conditioning during a heatwave, you may have considered air conditioning for the home. During the summer months, air conditioning can be a real asset – especially at night during a heatwave....
How Air Conditioning Helps with Allergies
Allergies can be anything from an occasional irritation to something that constantly interferes with your life. There are lots of ways to tackle them and to reduce their impact but one that can easily be overlooked is air conditioning. With thousands of people...
Why Routine Air Conditioning Maintenance is Important
Air conditioning is a bit like the heating or lights – you use them automatically and you don’t always think about maintenance until something goes wrong. But with air con, a breakdown can be a major problem, especially if the system cools equipment like servers or...
What Does A Great AC Maintenance Plan Look Like?
Maintenance is one of those must-have things that always seems like a bit of a pain. Maintenance for air conditioning is no different – you don’t want to be without it but sometimes you begrudge paying it. However, if you get a really great maintenance plan, then...
Considerations for Air Conditioning in Schools
There’s no doubt that a classroom that is either too hot or too cold is likely to be detrimental in some way to teaching and learning. Making sure you have the perfect air conditioning system installed is vital if you want to maintain standards and look after the...
Why Gyms Should Have Great Air Con
If there’s one business that really does require good air conditioning, it’s the modern gym. The effect of people pounding away on treadmills and cycling machines, hitting the weights or taking part in an aerobic session all combine to add a lot of heat to the...
Why Now Is the Best Time to Reconsider & Future Proof Your Office Air Con
The idea of air conditioning units in offices isn’t a new one – offices have been adding them for years now. But many of these units are large, awkward and far from energy efficient. Not only that but with the changing climate and more extreme weather, the air...
Improve Your Hotel Ratings with Air Conditioning
Providing customers with great facilities is key for all parts of the hospitality industry. While you may think part of this is all about keeping hotel guests cool during those hot, sticky days, the truth is a little more complicated. Good air conditioning helps...
How Air Con Can Increase Dwell Time in Retail Stores
There’s no doubt that modern retail has huge challenges to meet, especially with more and more people shopping online nowadays. Whereas many e-commerce companies need only worry about their digital persona, bricks and mortar stores must make an effort to create a...
How to Design the Perfect Commercial Kitchen
Planning a commercial kitchen is very different from planning a domestic kitchen. Not only are there greater numbers of people using the space and a wider range of equipment needed, but there are also health and safety considerations that are at the heart of what is...
Air Conditioning Options for Your Office & Why It Is Such A Benefit
Maintaining a consistent, comfortable temperature in an office full of busy people can sometimes be a challenge. But it is also important to having a productive workplace and ensuring it is a great place for business visitors to meet you. The key to creating this...
10 Reasons Why Londoners Love Air Con in their Homes
Here in the UK, we love to complain about the weather and while Londoners may not see some of the extremes seen in other parts of the country, things can still vary greatly from one day to another. That’s why there are more homes than ever that have air conditioning...
What is Ducted Air Con and Where Can It Be Used?
There are lots of different air conditioning systems but of them all, ducted air con is known as both the most versatile and the one that makes the least noise. This makes it an ideal system for everything from open plan offices, shops, restaurants and other large...
Why Maintaining Your Commercial Air Conditioning Unit Is Important
Commercial air conditioning or refrigeration units very rarely fail when they are well maintained. The main question you need to ask yourself if you have an air conditioning unit installed in your premises is – what is the cost of you air conditioning unit failing?...
Winter is coming! How to Manage Your Air Con With Big Changes in Temperature
The biggest challenge with HVAC comes when you have wide variations in outside temperatures. In the UK, this tends to happen during the winter months but with the recent hot summer and warm spring, it’s set to become an all year-round issue for many businesses....
The importance of the right temperature in your commercial premises
Keeping all the staff, customers and guests within any commercial space is important, not only for a regulatory point of view but also because it keeps your workforce motivated and encourages your guests or customers to stay and spend time in your commercial space....
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